Here lies THE NUMBER ONE thing you must be doing to achieve fat loss and an amazing body transformation.
Over the past few months I’ve had lots of emails from busy professionals who have asked “Josh, I’m seriously stuck on time, I’m busy with work and the kids and i just haven’t got the time to spend hours upon hours in the gym exercising. Whats the most important thing to keep on top of when striving for fat loss and body transformation”.
I’ve answered this individually a few times now so i thought I would cover it in a blog post for everyone to take advantage of…
WEIGHT TRAINING is the most important factor in achieving a fitter, leaner and stronger body, the reasons are as follows:
- Weight Training will boost your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories) for 1-2 days after you have finished your session (also known as the after-burn effect)
- Weight training stimulates hormonal changes in your body which increase testosterone, and growth hormone (fat burning hormones) and decreases Cortisol (the stress hormone which actually prevents you from burning fat)
- Weight Training will improve the shape of your body by adding lean muscle mass, this will improve the overall composition of your body too and the lean mass/fat mass ratio.
- Muscle is metabolically active which means by simply having more muscle, your body will burn more calories WHEN YOU SLEEP because the muscle gets hungry and needs feeding to sustain itself.
When you combine this powerful tool with other important factors such as; Eating enough protein, adding in HIIT (interval training), eating in a calorie deficit, and having a coach/and or method of accountability then this is when STUNNING body transformations take place.